Powerworkshop English

Powerworkshop English

Learn to avoid common mistakes in English, and express yourself more fluently and with greater confidence than ever before. Your communication with your international partners will be flawless and professional.

  • Speaking and writing
  • Boost your international communication skills
  • Avoid Dutchisms


Powerworkshop English

Would you like to speak and write English more confidently in a professional environment? After following our Brush up your English training, you’ll find it much easier to communicate in English.






  • How do you write an email using correct English?
  • Which standard sentences are used by native English speakers?
  • How is punctuation properly used in English?
  • Which useful words should be used to help communicate more fluently?


  • What can you do to sound more confident and clearer on the telephone?
  • Which tricks can help you to quickly switch from Dutch to English?
  • How can you liven up your English? How can you keep your story interesting for the listener?

Speaking is an important part of the Business English training. You’ll practice different conversational situations in pairs or in small groups including daily chats, debates, telephone conversations, presentations and meetings.

Grammar and vocabulary

  • Learn how to activate your “passive” vocabulary. Most likely, you know more words in English than you think, but do you use them in the right context?
  • Which verbs and prepositions can you combine to form native English word combinations?

Grammar is also a focus point during the Business English training. The trainer will refresh your memory with some basic grammar exercises to help with communicating certain information in English.


  • What are the most common mistakes made in English by Dutch speakers and how can you prevent them?
  • Which words, sentences and pronunciation tips can you apply to sound more like a native English speaker?
  • How can you prevent ‘Dunglish’ in order to sound more professional?



  • Woensdag 29 juni
  • Donderdag 24 augustus
  • Woendag 8 november

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9.30 - 16.30h



€695 course materials and lunch included (VAT exempt)

The exact cost for a private or in-company workshop will depend on your needs and the size of the group. Would you like to know more? Just fill in our contact form or call us on 020 - 598 64 20. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free consultation without any obligation.

Required course materials
You need a laptop to participate in this course.


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We make words work for:

Gemeente Alkmaar
Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming
Amsterdam UMC

